ONLINE PUBLICATIONS and E-TEXT part 1 ////////////////////////////////////// Books, E-Text, articles Large lists of links to many etext items. Like a huge library resource available online. No library card needed! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beatrice A delightful electronic 'zine that has original pieces of fiction, poetry, short stories and interesting articles. There is one work that really stands out and that is in the poetry section where the "Tao Te Ching" was translated into an easy to read text. Check it out - always fresh and ever changing, this 'zine deserves a read. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Webster's Weekly An original weekly 'zine that has a lot going for it. It is funny, fresh and often irreverant yet it never crosses over the line into bad taste. Prose, photos, art, cartoons and articles are updated weekly and there is always something here for everyone. Originally meant to be a 'zine mostly for the "twentysomething" crowd - it has developed into a good read for all ages and has a lot of neat articles you find anywhere else. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MELVIN Many GIF files that are, in fact, articles. MELVIN is a cool romp and great reading. Everything is fair game here and if being politically incorrect is your way of having fun - then come here. Mainstream writing is prevalent too and this 'zine includes just about every type of writing there is. So much to read and so little time... You'll enjoy the trip here as that is exactly what MELVIN can be like - a fun "trip" through cyber-zine land. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accounting for the Cards An online hypertext mystery that is also a good read. A few interactive links are included that help you decide who's been stealing money from the Ojibwa Entertainment Corporation. Is it you? Is it me? Find out in this well done mystery - a nice evening of reading awaits the traveller! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cat Machine Poems and short stories way above the normal fodder you'll find on 'zines. Well organized and links to past and future issues (episodes) will leave you wondering why all electronic 'zines aren't this good. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Netsam Netsam is a different sort of 'zine that uses the WWW exactly as it should be used. The whole 'zine is a threaded and linked hypertext document that twists and turns like a web of desire. Unexpected links to unexpected plot twists await the reader and the writing here is very good indeed! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tree Fiction An interactive form of fiction. Click on the links and create your own plot decisions. Should you stay or should you go? It's up to you as you course through the interactive links in this new 'zine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsletters via Internet Internet-on-a-Disk (The B&R Samizdat Express) to join - send an email message to: Subject line: Join Message body: Include your name, email address and Join Internet on a disk mailing list. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Online Book Initiative Gopher - WWW site - gopher:// or gopher to: select "Online Book Initiative" There's close to 100 favorite fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm and these Grimm fairy tales are among the very best. Everything from Snow White to Little Red Riding Hood resides here. Text only - but who needs pictures when you have imagination and great stories to read. Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDLINK Magazine This electronic magazine is designed by kids for kids. That's right - kids design and make up this magazine (well... they get a little help) and it changes every two months with each new issue. It is designed to both educate and entertain and each new issue contains a central topic or theme. Past issues are also online so you can see any you missed. Virtual trips and exhibits abound taking youngsters on a tour around the world to see many different sights and places and as they tour they learn lots about these places. Tons of pictures and easy to read information plus neat and interesting links make this a place that kids come back to time after time. There are also riddles and cool problems to solve on puzzle pages scattered about the 'zine and I doubt there is a better web page made chiefly by kids on the Internet. Good educational material is not always easy to find on that vast highway known as the Internet - so make sure your kids wind up steering here. A great place for teachers and adults as well. Makes a great educational resource for schools connected to the WWW. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephanie DaSilva's List of Lists ftp to: located in --> /pub/usenet/news.answers/mail/mailing-lists Complete set of lists (that's right every mailing list known) along with descriptions for each list. The list of lists is a good way to see if there is a mailing list that coincides with your interests. Also included are directions on how to join each mailing list or listserv. Make sure you look at your mail each day or it can become quickly over-run. Some popular mailing lists generate hundreds of email messages weekly. Make sure you read how to "un-join" or cancel yourself from a mailing list. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON-LINE Books Page This incredible page offers links to nearly 500 on-line etext books. That's right - you can read and download the text to nearly 500 books and the list keeps growing even as you read this blurb. The list is searchable by either author or book title. This is the ultimate source for online texts for it also has links to the Carnegie-Mellon English server and Project Gutenberg Internet site. There's even a few foreign language texts and links. This page is HIGHLY recommended for anyone interested in books from the classics to newer material. Look Ma - no library card needed! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Gutenburg WWW and FTP sites ftp to: The master sites for Project Gutenberg. Contains numerous freely available works of literature, short stories, novels and other literary works. An expanding site - many classics are now offered freely to Internet users. All works contained here will always be freely available to the public. This is a true **** four star **** project and is not to be missed. This project also can be used as a great educational resource and a great public educational site as the works in here are accessible and free for the download. This was one of the first major projects to transfer classic literature into digital text that the general public would have free access to using and reading. Why pay outrageous prices for public domain works? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- EFF ftp site ftp to: Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) site. Contains electronic 'zines along with articles relating to freedom and censorship of online data. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tables of Contents of Computer related Magazines See updates to front covers and content listings for 43 leading computing magazines. Many more are being added weekly. Quick and lean web site. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- San Jose Mercury News Online Online newspaper - for the digitally informed. Very well done newspaper! Uploaded daily - always fresh and current. An extensive daily resource. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chicago Tribune A brand new service. Unlike the San Jose Mercury News who publishes the entire newspaper online, The Chicago Tribune publishes only parts of its newspaper to online readers. But what it publishes online is what is considered the best of the daily news offerings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Electronic Newsstand Excerpts and sample articles from over 250 newspapers and publications from across the US. It is an incentive ploy for users to eventually subscribe to the magazines and publications but to the Internetter - it is a free way to get lots of information as the articles are changed daily. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The New South Polar Times Well, what else does one do in balmy -40F temperatures in Antarctica? They go ahead and publish an informative electronic newsletter! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CyberWire Dispatch Brock Meeks pounds out the info and it is often irreverant and scathing but it always on target and true. He pulls no punches and happens to be one of the best reporters around. Give this one a read and you'll come back for more. Quality stuff here - and you won't find it in your local paper --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computer Mediated Communications (CMC) CMC reports on people, events, technology, public policies, practices, research, techno-culture, and anything else that has to do with computer mediated discussions or publicly accessable online forums. Whew! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SanFrancisco Free Press A wonderful archive of back issues of the Free Press. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rosalind Resnick's Web Page of Electronic Publication reviews Contains no less than 50 reviews of major electronic publications and other information oertaining to digital 'zines and publishing on the net. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stream of Consciousness Mind candy anyone? An electronic 'zine devoted to poetry and art. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verbiage A collection of short fiction stories from around the net world. Ranges from excellently written to fairly well done but there is always (and I do mean always) a short story here that makes the trip worth the effort. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digital Rag A peculiar little digital 'zine that defies description. You've gotta check this one out. It's ah.... very unique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete List of Electronic 'Zines Gopher to: and then choosing--> Electronic Serials Exactly what it says. A really COMPLETE list of all available digitally distributed magazines and other electronic publications. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aether Madness: An Offbeat Guide to the Online World This book by Gary Wolf and Michael Stein is published by Peachpit Press and the company has decided to put the complete book online. It is essentially the same as the hard-copy published version except this hypertext version contains scads of links to referenced services and selections discussed throughout the book. Way cool! Take a surf here and enjoy the reading! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel's Environmental and Health Weekly Gopher to: select "ftp" then select "The World's Anonymous FTP Archive" then select "Periodicals" and finally select "Rachels" This weekly journal is put out by the "Environmental Research Foundation" and offers information relating to health and environmental issues. The archive contains over 400 back issues but the organization of the archive is first-rate so finding what you want won't be a difficult task. Not only does this journal contain original articles but it contains compilations of articles, info and viewpoints from many other publications. The New York Times, The Nation and The Miami Herald are just a few examples. FDA regulations and how they affect what you eat, farming practices and a whole lot more are included. This is a plethora of information yet its clear and concise layout make it an undaunting archive to find the info you need. A highly recommended site to visit to find health and environmental issues and how they both realte to one another. Informative and well done! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FTP Fairy Tales ftp to: then cd to: /inforM/Educational_Resources/ReadingRoom/Fiction/FairyTales Everything from Goldilocks to Thumbelina to The Ugly Duckling. Contains nearly 100 tales and the archive keeps growing... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature Telnet to: use the word "library" to log-in. Hit D key combo twice to exit. A virtual gold mine of information that is often overlooked. You can use this to perform comprehensive searches through hundreds (thousands?) of magazines published in the US. Search by author, subject, title or keyword to find the resources or articles you're looking for. Your search results are then printed to screen and include a small abstract of the source article and information in regards to the publication it is in. Invaluable! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playboy Magazine home page A bevy of beauties and Playboy articles, interviews and information. An online version of the poular magazine. Now get back to your homework... ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GNN Magazine A "reader's digest" of the web. A collection of articles and stories that first appear in print and then are digitally distributed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leonardo Electronic Almanac Anon FTP to: Almanac seems to know that art is something for everyone to enjoy. Richly rewarding with beautiful graphic images and intense art passion, this site is growing by leaps and bounds. I hope it doesn't crash under its own weight. I highly recommend a visit here - you won't be dissapointed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electric Postcard MIT Media Lab's version of the Hallmark card rack. You can pick a postcard out of 35 designs and send them to friends by typing in their email address and then typing in your message on the virtual "postcard". Then add your name and address and hit "Send" and away it goes. Color and b/w postcards are available for the choosing. This sure beats going shopping for cards. The recipient will get a claim number and email notification that their postcard is ready and waiting at the site's pick-up address. This is where the recipient of your digital fondness can view your postcard greetings. If the recipient does not have a graphical web browser they can still see the text of the postcard - but will not be able to view the graphics. Great for sending those friends of yours a greeting when you're off on virtual vacations. No need to stop surfin and shop for cards! WAY COOL! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASCII Art EMail With ASCII Art EMail, you can send postcards to your friends anywhere on the net and include an ASCII picture of the online choices. If you want your Artwork online, please email them to: This site is brought to you by the folks at the Univ. of CA at Irvine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyrano's Valentine Server Open all year 'round this server will send your loved one a special message via email based on information you provide. You'll first be asked what type of letter you want to send. The choices are: steamy, indecisive, desperate, surreal, intellectual or poetic. Next Cyranno will ask you to fill in a few adjectives about your relationship and also a few questions about your beloved's favorite food and most appealing physical characteristic. When you are all finished completing the form tell Cyrano where you want the letter sent to and then select "Submit to Cyrano". If you like, you can preview the letter before it is sent directly to your loved one by entering in your own email address and Cyrano will send the letter to your address. If you like the letter then you can re-send it off to your lover! Cyranno can become quite ah... poetic so this option to send it to yourself first might not be such a bad idea. Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Dreams newsletter Duncan's enthusiasm and off-beat style is infectious. Sometimes informative and often funny he gives a humorous approach to offering valuable info. Tongue in cheek articles along with analogous snippets will keep you reading 'till the wee hours of dawn. Take what he says with a grain of salt but for the cost of a newsletter subscription (free) why not give it a try? You might like it. Not for everyone - but then - what is? If you can read between the lines - there is a lot of sound advice in his humor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Reading Room FTP to: /inforM/Educational_Resources/ReadingRoom A wonderfully complete library online. Everything from classics to short- stories and beyond. The HistoryPhilosophy section is great for research work and it contains an abundance of works from the movers and shakers in the course of world history. This site will leave you in awe of the power of the Internet for this library really is worth the ftp trip. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tacoma News Tribune online The News Tribune of Tacoma, Washington, US in etext format. Contains both national and international news with AP wire reports from around the world. This is a free service and publication to 'netters. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technology Review WWW site Technology Review is edited by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and is a well done and well written science magazine now available on the World-Wide-Web. Technology Review "addresses the practical implications of of science, as opposed to laboratory breakthroughs and theoretical and conceptual abstractions that have no bearing on practicality." The 'zine is done using hypertext links that can take you to other places related to an article such as a link to the EPA gopher while reading an article on ways to produce environmentally safe products. Although the entire hardcopy version of the magazine is not on the web - most of the articles and features are and it is one of the best science publications on the web. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CyberSight (Published by Internet Marketing, Inc.) A true hypermedia publication that links to other hypermedia from around the world. No fluff and no junk. Most of the authors are students and cyber-souls who dedicate themselves to the task thoroughly - and it shows! You'll find great articles and links from under-ground artists, to the politically benign. This onepage will have you surfing the globe while you read some of the best distributable "stuff" out there. Catch a wave and ride this kahuna for an evening (or two or three...) ------- Complexity International A new hyper-textual publication from the Australian National University. ------- Post-modern Culture Original material written in hypermedia format. Irreverant and well done! ------- NIH home page Devoted to medicine, biology and the advancement of scientific study. ----- National Library of Medicine Offers "HyperDOC", a multimedia/hypertext resource. It supports the Visible Human body Project. A true hyper-textual informative publication page. ----- Fields of View and Radiology Update Created by the Brigham and Women's Hospital radiology department, this BrighamRAD page is fascinating. The hyper-media oublication offers teaching documents and hypothetical situations with a symptoms list. Also contains medical graphics and images from which students are expected to make an educated diagnosis and prognosis. Can you pass the test? Can your Doctor? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multimedia/video information and Video Archives on the Internet MPEG Video Archive (Holland, Netherlands) MPEG video archive at UIUC Rob's New Multimedia Lab note: this site is co-sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery StarTrek movie and TV site (Viacom-Paramount) Scientific Video archives at CRS4 Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development: Sardinia, Italy Cornell Theory Center NCSA Exhibits Los Alamos National Lab video encoding and video server MICE Seminars and Media on Demand servers MICE (Multimedia Conferencing for Europe) ----- MIT Laboratory for Computer Science online video MIT is experimenting with the VUSystem Application fro video files. The lab is also experimenting with offering live-video via the Internet. ----- Internet Multicasting Service (Carl Malamud) Internet Talk Radio (Carl Malamud) ----- Video Webalog A "hyper-magazine" chock full of video info. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open Virtual Reality Testbed (Sandy Ressler) Sandy Ressler is exploring the possibilites of offering virtual reality to users of the 'net. A glimpse of this is shown in "Inline Graphics Surrogate Travel". An inline picture of an area is shown and users "click" on where they want to go inside this virtual world. Try it! (And this is only the beginning research and development! Can't wait for more to arrive!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAXWeb (The Discovery of Television among the Bees) This has got to be seen to be believed. A virtual "trip". This has got to be one of the coolest sites on the Internet. The site consists of (ready?) - the script of the film, 600 pages of supplementary text material related to the film, 2,000 stills (that went to make up the film), 600 MPEG video clips, and the entire audio track of the film in English, French, German and Japanese! You can see any part of the film, in any order you choose and while viewing, you can "jump out" of the film to read hyper-text comments related to the making of the film or related to the script AND you can add or create your own additions to the script! A tour de force of Internetting! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIBE Online A free and freely distributable electronic magazine devoted to urban music. Features jazz, reggae, blues, soul, hip-hop, rap and "gangsta-hardcore". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shakespeare Online resources ftp to: Log in as anonymous and use email address as password. Then cd to /Library/Document (note the uppercase letters!) and get the file "shake.dic" This "shake.dic" contains the complete Shakespearean Glossary" which has simple translations to all those hard to know Shakespeare words. A very thorough 122 page glossary/dictionary. ---------- Shakespeare insult page Witty Elizabethan insults by the master bard himself. Use 'em on friends and family and others. They'll probably miss half of them so be prepared to utter other witticisms that are more easily understood. ahem... ---------- Shakespeare Web This web page has many contests relating to Shakespeare and his writings and also includes annotated HTML texts of the bard's works. The annotated comments can be added to through web forms by anyone so inclined. Info and commonly asked questions about Shakespeare abound here. You can also use this page to link to other web pages that deal with Shakespeare. This is one of the best places to start your Shakespeare journey through the web. ---------- Complete works of Shakespeare The *complete* works of Shakespeare in a searchable text format. Search for any word or keywords in any of his literary works. A very useful resource. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jane Austen Information Web Page Contains links to Austen writings (in HTML of course!) and other annotated pages devoted to this author's works. Austen's novels are here too along with the writer's biography and various related bibliographies dealing with her and her works. Even has a JPEG of Jane herself readily available for downloading. For Austen fans only - very well done page! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON-LINE Books Page This incredible page offers links to nearly 500 on-line etext books. That's right - you can read and download the text to nearly 500 books and the list keeps growing even as you read this blurb. The list is searchable by either author or book title. This is the ultimate source for online texts for it also has links to the Carnegie-Mellon English server and Project Gutenberg Internet site. There's even a few foreign language texts and links. This page is HIGHLY recommended for anyone interested in books from the classics to newer material. Look Ma - no library card needed! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stream of Consciousness Mind candy anyone? An electronic 'zine devoted to poetry and art. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verbiage A collection of short fiction stories from around the net world. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Children's Literature Sites gopher to: ftp to: All sorts of Children's Literature - both "classics" and modern stories. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTER@CTIVE Week Published as a free weekly both as subscription hard-copy and as a free electronic magazine Interactive Week is geared to professionals within the booming tele-communications and interactive industries. However, the home user may just pick up valuable information too as there are articles which explain many vagaries and hard to understand telecommunication concepts, Internet jargon and intractive ideas such as is found in CD-ROM games and other offerings including Online audio-visual formats and on demand movies. The explanations are in any easy to understand and down-to-earth fashion. The 'zine is broken into sections and the web page is well conceived. By clicking on section buttons the reader is "transported" to that section and is met with the chosen topic's articles and input for the week. The topic sections include - "Up Front" -> covers the latest news on interactive services. "Attitudes" -> an editorialized comment section that has opinions on the hot topics of the week. "Content" -> which looks at all the new ways and ideas to distribute interactive sources and media. "Content" also looks at the creative approaches and processes to affect distributive goals. "Digital Devices" -> takes a look at important hardware and software issues and products that make interactive offerings possible. "Services" -> has articles dealing with online services and the Internet. "Politics" -> has up to date relevant coverage of policies and regulations that are affecting digital and interactive services and content areas. If you deal with the distribution of digital data and interactive services - you need to know this timely information! "Strategies" -> offers an inside look on the goals and practices used by leading companies and individuals. Read this section if you don't want to get 'scooped'. "In Practice" -> offers real life occurences and stories of how interactive technology is being used with relevant story clips on successes and failures. "How it Works" -> this section simplifies the many complex technologies that are evolving. "Money" -> inside stories on the business end of interactivity. "Web Guide" has just been added and is a section that helps businesses and individuals understand the WWW structure and how to successfully market ideas and products on the World Wide Web. Yes this 'zine is corporate but the info offered here is free and is quite good. Always up to the minute and fresh. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------